October 30, 2010
Today, U.S. Senate candidate Lee Fisher will run a new ad, “Game Day,” which will air on television during the lead-up to the Ohio State Buckeyes’ contest against the Minnesota Golden Gophers on Saturday. The ad highlights Congressman Rob Portman’s disastrous record as George W. Bush’s Budget Director and Trade Czar, as well as the place that Portman cut his teeth: The University of Michigan Law School.
October 29, 2010
Fisher’s ad explains the key choice Ohio voters face on November 2, between Congressman Portman, a Washington influence-peddler who will fight for tax breaks for large corporations that outsource Ohio jobs, and Lee Fisher, who will always put Ohioans first and will fight for tax cuts for small businesses that create jobs here.
October 28, 2010
Lee Fisher heads to Fernway Elementary School to speak to a class of fourth graders, their parents and other guests in his 18th hour of Ohio Never Sleeps, a 27-hour campaign-athon, highlighting the contributions of Ohio workers day and night.
Lieutenant Governor and U.S. Senate candidate Lee Fisher issued a statement applauding a major breakthrough in the effort to develop a uranium enrichment facility in southern Ohio that will create up to 4,000 Ohio jobs. Governor Ted Strickland and USEC Inc. announced yesterday that the U.S. Department of Energy affirmed its confidence in USEC Inc.’s technology by putting the framework of a deal on the table to negotiate a $2 billion loan guarantee for the American Centrifuge Project.
October 27, 2010
Lee Fisher heads to Massillon as the next stop on the 27 hour campaign-athon, Ohio Never Sleeps.
Starting at 6:15 pm Wednesday, Lee Fisher will hit the campaign trail for more than 24 straight hours, traveling from Columbus to Cleveland to Akron, with many stops in between. The Fisher campaign has dubbed the all-night campaigning “Ohio Never Sleeps,” highlighting the contributions of Ohio workers at all hours of the day and night.
October 25, 2010
Congressman Rob Portman did not properly disclose in his third quarter report to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) information for 395 donors who contributed nearly $280,000 to his campaign coffers, including outsourcers and advocates of a risky privatization scheme to gamble seniors’ retirement savings on Wall Street.
October 20, 2010
A leading advocate of social security privatization maxed out to Congressman Rob Portman in July, according to the Portman campaign’s filings with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Portman’s support from a major Wall Street proponent of Social Security privatization is unsurprising, given Portman’s clear record as a cheerleader for George W. Bush’s risky scheme to gamble seniors’ retirements savings in the stock market.
October 18, 2010
Today, US Senate candidate Lee Fisher challenged Congressman Rob Portman to join him in calling for Wells Fargo to suspend all foreclosure proceedings following a Wells Fargo employee testifying that she improperly processed hundreds of foreclosures.
October 15, 2010
As Congressman Portman announces the big bucks he has raised from Washington lobbyists, Wall Street executives, and the insurance industry, third party groups continue to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy Portman’s way into the Senate.
October 14, 2010
US Senate candidate Lee Fisher renewed his call today on Ohio’s mortgage servicers to suspend foreclosure proceedings in the wake of mounting evidence of improper filings and fraud in Ohio and across the country. Fisher has been a longtime advocate for homeowners – for a foreclosure moratorium and for allowing bankruptcy judges the power to renegotiate mortgages to help Ohio families stay in their homes.
October 12, 2010
“Rob Portman’s only hope in this campaign is to use his special interest campaign cash to continue to hide his record of sending jobs overseas, supporting Wall Street’s reckless agenda, voting himself four pay raises and evading questions about his scheme to gamble seniors’ retirement on the stock market,” said Holly Shulman, spokeswoman for the Fisher for Ohio campaign. “And if we want to talk about timelines, let’s talk about Portman’s who after overseeing a near-tripling of the deficit and being aloof to the signs of a collapsing economy, took a cushy $800,000 job at a firm that helped corporations get bailout cash.”
October 06, 2010
Amid new allegations that Congressman Rob Portman may be misusing his personal Political Action Committee (PAC) as a slush fund to bankroll his travel expenses as he angles for higher office, the Portman campaign released a new ad that continues to whitewash Portman’s record of out of control spending as a Congressman and George W. Bush’s budget director.
October 05, 2010
The reviews are in from last night’s debate, and Congressman Portman did not live up to the hype, despite the widespread accolades for his debating skills – the Washington Post even called Portman the “great debater” – and his years of experience preparing candidates to debate for the nation’s highest offices.
October 04, 2010
September 30, 2010
September 29, 2010
Today, Congressman Portman continues to lie about Lee Fisher’s record in order to distract from Portman’s own two decades in Washington writing and supporting the policies that shipped Ohio jobs overseas and led to the economic and housing crisis.
September 28, 2010
Today’s Senate vote shows that Republicans are willing to put American jobs at risk to further their outsourcing agenda. Lee Fisher strongly supports ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, while Congressman Rob Portman opposes ending the tax loopholes, defending them in editorial board meetings across Ohio and throughout his two decades in Washington.
September 27, 2010
Columbus – As the U.S. Senate considers legislation to close tax loopholes for companies that ship jobs overseas, Congressman Portmanwill be on New York City’s Fifth Avenue tonight collecting campaign cash at a fundraiser hosted by a billionaire who used offshore tax havens that stiffed the American taxpayer to the tune of $300 million.
September 24, 2010
Following a New York Times report that the Chinese Prime Minister “barely budged” in response to President Obama’s demand that China revalue its currency, US Senate candidate Lee Fisher today called on his opponent, Congressman Rob Portman, to support bipartisan Senate legislation that would force China to end its currency manipulation, which has given China’s workers an unfair advantage over their American counterparts.
September 23, 2010
Today, Lee Fisher called on Congressman Rob Portman to join him in supporting Senate legislation that will make the political process more transparent by shining sunlight on the role special interests play in campaigns. This follows the Citizens United Supreme Court decision which opened the door for the more than $400 million already spent this year by shadowy groups to influence American elections.
Congressman Rob Portman looks at the week ahead in television and movies and gives you his recommendations.*
September 22, 2010
September 21, 2010
September 16, 2010
Today, as the Strickland administration and Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown are in Washington pushing for China trade enforcement to level the playing field for Ohio workers, Congressman Rob Portman, who wrote and supported unfair trade rules, remains silent. Congressman Rob Portman continues to distort his lax enforcement record as Bush trade czar, but the data doesn’t lie, said the Fisher campaign today.
Today, Lee Fisher applauded the Senate passage of the Small Business Bill and Senator George Voinovich’s courage in putting Ohio jobs over partisan tactics. Congressman Rob Portman opposed the bill that includes provisions to promote small businessexports and access to capital, attempting to score political points at the expense of Ohio’s small businesses.
September 15, 2010
September 14, 2010
September 13, 2010
September 11, 2010
U.S. Senate candidate Lee Fisher called on Congressman Portman to join with fellow Ohio Republican Senator George Voinovich in supporting the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010 today which will provide new incentives for small businesses to create jobs in Ohio.
Today we look back and remember one of the most tragic days our nation has faced. We mourn the Americans who passed because of unthinkable acts of terror, and we find hope in how Americans come together in this difficult moment in our nation's history.
September 09, 2010
“Congressman Portman’s relentless support for unfettered trade with China has come at an huge cost for Ohio workers and families, and now China is threatening Ohio’s position as a major player in the new clean energy economy. We can’t afford to send Congressman Portman and his dangerous trade policies back to Washington to do any more damage.”
September 08, 2010
"Ohioans need a senator focused on creating jobs here in Ohio – not in China."
“To all those celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the beginning of the Jewish New Year tonight as our family will be, I wish you a year of health and happiness. May we also mark the Jewish High Holidays by calling on people of all faiths to support a renewed push for peace and security in the Middle East. There is no better way to help keep America safe than by achieving a two-state solution that will create a lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.”
September 07, 2010
A new ad airing this week exposes Congressman Rob Portman’s outsourcing agenda that Ohioans can’t afford and kicks off a series of events over the next two months highlighting Portman’s failed record of sending Ohio jobs overseas.
September 06, 2010
"As I travel across the state today to Labor Day celebrations, we must remember the meaning of this holiday - which is more than parades and picnics. When workers have joined together time and time again they have been able to build a better life for themselves and their children and have built a better America."
September 01, 2010
The U.S. Senate campaigns of Lt. Governor Lee Fisher and Rob Portman today announced their participation in a series of three one-hour debates in conjunction with the Ohio Newspaper Organization.
“I honor the incredible sacrifice our servicemen and women have made throughout this war, and I support President Obama’s responsible withdrawal of troops from Iraq."
August 31, 2010
Congressman Rob Portman's campaign released a new ad today, touting a "different way" to approach our economy, begging the question: what "different way" would that be?
August 23, 2010
The Fisher for Ohio campaign today called on Congressman Rob Portman to condemn ads being run in Ohio by a shadowy Karl Rove-backed group that violate election law.
August 13, 2010 · For Immediate Release
On the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Social Security, a new analysis shows that Congressman Rob Portman’s support for privatizing Social Security could have devastated Ohio seniors' retirement accounts during the financial crisis that his economic and trade policies helped create.
July 21, 2010
Fisher said, "This is common sense. If a court orders a company to pay damages, the company should pay the damages. Period."
July 20, 2010
Fisher says, " I believe we have a responsibility not only to help families through this recession, but to create jobs and economic opportunity as well."
July 19, 2010
Fisher said, "This fish is a real life threat to Ohio jobs, Ohio businesses, and Ohio tourism."
July 15, 2010
Fisher: “Never again should Ohioans bear the price of Wall Street’s recklessness and greed.”
July 12, 2010
Fisher spokesperson said, "Congressman Portman's plan to tax, slash and privatize these benefits would devastate Ohioans. Pure and simple."
June 25, 2010
Fisher: “The Days of Recklessness Are Over”
June 24, 2010
Vice President Joe Biden will campaign and hold a fundraiser for U.S. Senate Candidate Lee Fisher in Cleveland on Wednesday, June 30, 2010.
June 23, 2010
Fisher says, "Congressman Portman Stands with Wall Street Lobbyists, Opposing Real Reform at Every Turn."
June 17, 2010
Another Day, More Silence from Congressman Portman on BP's Liability
June 16, 2010
"A Positive Step in a Process that Must Not Include a Single Taxpayer Dollar."
While the Gulf Gets Washed Over with Oil, Congressman Portman Pockets More Than $125,000 from Big Oil, Remains Silent BP Accountability
June 14, 2010
Congressman Portman Has Received More than $350,000 from Insurance Industry; Voted In Favor Of Insurance Companies at the Expense of Ohioans
June 11, 2010
Congressman Portman has received more than $125,000 from the oil industry - this election cycle alone
June 10, 2010
Spokesperson said: "Congressman Portman spent 20 years in Washington supporting failed trade policies that sent Ohio jobs overseas. If Ohio voters want to see the jobs Congressman Portman created after decades in Washington, they will have to go to Mexico, India, and China."
Portman's Washington Record: Voted to Raise His Own Pay, Slashed Veterans Salaries
"As George Bush’s top trade official, Portman backed deals that shipped tens of thousands of Ohio jobs overseas."
June 06, 2010
Fisher said, "In the wake of this disaster, we must make sure that they have the all the resources and support they need right now. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the communities as they work together to overcome this devastation and rebuild.
June 05, 2010
Fisher says, "Anamika represents the best of what our state is about: courage, determination, and raw talent. She has proven to be a fierce competitor on the national stage, and back home in Ohio, we could not be prouder."
June 01, 2010
And to our nation's veterans and the men and women serving today — Peggy, our two children, and I thank you for your selfless courage and the tremendous sacrifices that you and your families have made in service to our country.
May 24, 2010
Fisher: “If you want to see the jobs Congressman Portman created, go to China.”
May 21, 2010
Fisher: "Wall street heard a clear message last evening: no more reckless business as usual.
May 20, 2010
Portman’s 2008 Budget Cut Safety Employees to Lowest Level in History. Fisher offers Simple Advice: “Look for the ‘Made in America’ label.”
May 18, 2010
Fisher: BP Should Cover Full Cost of Oil Spill Jeopardizing Gulf Coast Livelihoods
May 13, 2010
Fisher said, “This was BP's failure, and they should pay for it. Period.”
Vice Mayor Qualls: “Lee has a plan to do what Ohioans want - create jobs here and hold Wall Street accountable. I'm proud to support him.”
May 11, 2010
Fisher says, “Portman will do what he’s always done—fight for Wall Street.”
April 22, 2010
Fisher: "Ohioans can count on Congressman Portman to do what he’s always done—oppose Wall Street reforms at every turn—even after the collapse of Enron—and put big banks ahead of middle class Ohioans."
April 08, 2010
Fisher says, "America must adapt to modern day threats, which are more likely to come in the form of a dirty bomb than a nuclear standoff with past adversaries."
April 07, 2010
Five Cuyahoga County elected officials today praised Lee Fisher’s plan to create good-paying jobs across Ohio in their strong endorsement of his U.S. Senate campaign.
April 06, 2010
East Cleveland Mayor Gary Norton said, “Lee has been on the ground fighting to protect the families across our area who are being devastated by the foreclosure crisis. I’m supporting Lee because he has been fighting for us.”
Fisher: "Today's ruling is a slap in the face to the principles of equality and competition, and one I strongly believe should be reversed."
April 05, 2010
“Wrong for Congress to Go on a Break while Families Struggle,” Fisher said
April 02, 2010
He was a friend and role model for many years, and will be missed by all of us who had the good fortune to know him.
March 30, 2010
Fisher said, "Ohio can’t afford to return to the disastrous trade and economic policies that shipped tens of thousands of Ohio jobs overseas during Congressman Portman’s two decades in Washington."
March 23, 2010
Fisher said, “Time to Stand Up to Wall Street, Make Sure This Never Happens Again.”
Portman Would Reinstate Insurance Company Abuses, Raise Costs for Small Business Owners and Seniors
March 21, 2010
Fisher Says, "Despite Spending Tens of Millions to Protect their Record Profits, the Insurance Companies Lost Today - and American Families Won."
March 16, 2010
Fisher said, “Standing up for Ohio’s family dairy farmers will create good-paying jobs and protect consumers from tainted products. Ohioans proudly buy American. This step will create jobs and help Ohioans find safe, quality, affordable products.”
Fisher said, "These fees should end. People are worried about keeping their jobs and keeping their homes. They shouldn’t have to worry about paying $40 for a cup of coffee."
March 09, 2010
Cleveland – Members of the Cleveland City Council today praised Lee Fisher’s plan to create good-paying jobs and rebuild Ohio’s middle class in their unanimous endorsement of his U.S. Senate campaign. The Council voted 18 to 0 in support of Lee Fisher.
February 25, 2010
U.S. Senate candidate Lee Fisher today called for an immediate extension of a key federal lending initiative to help Ohio's small businesses grow and create jobs, amid reports that the fund will run dry within days. Government officials reported this week that bank lending nationwide dropped $587 billion last year, the steepest decline since the 1940s.
February 10, 2010
A new study shows that Ohio's small businesses are struggling to access basic lines of credit while Wall Street is doling out billions in bonuses. The new analysis, released today by U.S. Senate candidate Lee Fisher reveals that loans to Columbus’ mom and pop shops have dropped more than $25 million since 2006 – a 46% drop during that time period.
February 05, 2010
U.S. Senate candidate and Ohio Lt. Governor Lee Fisher released the following statement on today’s Labor Department report.
February 03, 2010
COLUMBUS – With the Senate Budget Committee reviewing steps to curb a recent Supreme Court ruling allowing unfettered corporate political spending, Lt. Governor Lee Fisher outlined a plan to ensure that American voters determine elections – not multinational corporations and special interests.
COLUMBUS - U.S. Senate candidate and Ohio Lt. Governor Lee Fisher released the following statement in response to reports that AIG plans to dole out an additional $100 million in bonuses.
February 01, 2010
COLUMBUS – New federal aid to the proposed Piketon uranium enrichment plant will save hundreds of jobs, reinvigorating a project critical to Southern Ohio’s future, U.S. Senate candidate and Ohio Lt. Governor Lee Fisher said today. While the $45 million in new aid will keep the facility functioning, more needs to be done to speed the construction of a new Piketon facility.
U.S. Senate candidate and Ohio Lt. Governor Lee Fisher released the following statement in commemoration of Black History Month.
January 28, 2010
U.S. Senate candidate and Ohio Lt. Governor Lee Fisher release the following statement regarding a new investment in a new passenger rail in Ohio.
January 27, 2010
Ohio Lt. Governor and U.S. Senate candidate Lee Fisher released the following statement on President Obama's State of the Union address this evening.
January 26, 2010
Lt. Governor and U.S. Senate candidate Lee Fisher released the following statement on Governor Strickland's State of the State speech today.
January 22, 2010
With President Barack Obama visiting Lorain County today and a new study showing unemployment rising, Senate candidate Lee Fisher, Ohio Lt. Governor, urged the President to accelerate job creation measures across Ohio and the country. Fisher has proposed creating jobs by supporting small businesses, protecting and boosting manufacturing industries, and holding Wall Street accountable.
January 21, 2010
U.S. Senate candidate and Ohio Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court ruling allowing corporations to spend freely on political campaigns.
January 19, 2010
Columbus - Lt. Governor Lee Fisher released the following statement today applauding the selection of Yvette McGee Brown as Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s running mate.
January 13, 2010
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher raised more than $780,000 in the fourth quarter, bringing his total to more than $3.25 million raised since entering the U.S. Senate race in mid-February. Fisher’s fourth quarter figure rose more than 25 percent from the previous quarter, reflecting the campaign’s growing momentum heading into 2010.
January 07, 2010
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today in response to the Japanese government’s exclusion of American cars in its domestic Cash for Clunkers program.
December 24, 2009
Today's historic health care reform vote by the U.S. Senate is an important sign that we have the power to overcome the fierce opposition of the insurance companies and the status quo to put the health of the American people first.
December 17, 2009
Fisher for Ohio Campaign Manager Geri Prado made the following statement today in response to a fundraising email from Rob Portman in which he calls for an end to the bailout he supported, and attempts to run away from his role in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
December 16, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today in response to the Obama Administration's announcement of a national policy to reinvigorate American manufacturing.
December 07, 2009
Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher issued the following statement today on the eve of President Obama’s speech on job creation: "While we see glimmers of hope in the most recent monthly economic growth and employment numbers, much more needs to be done to put Americans back to work and quickly. When President Obama outlines his economic proposals tomorrow, I strongly urge him to support a job creation tax credit and redirect unspent economic recovery funds into additional infrastructure and weatherization projects that will lay the foundation for long-term economic growth.
December 01, 2009
Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman today announced his support for Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher for the U.S. Senate in 2010.
As we mark World AIDS Day, we should take a moment to recognize the dramatic improvements in anti-retroviral drugs and the strides we’ve made in public education. These efforts have helped save thousands of lives from this devastating disease in the U.S. and around the world.
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement tonight in response to President Obama's address to the nation regarding the war in Afghanistan.
November 30, 2009
Leaders from across Lucas County endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate today, citing his determination to make Ohio a national leader in clean energy and green job creation.
November 20, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today calling on Ohioans to contact Senator George Voinovich and urge him to support health care reform legislation in the Senate.
November 19, 2009
Leaders from the Mahoning Valley today endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the U.S. Senate, citing his track record of saving and creating jobs in Northeast Ohio.
November 17, 2009
Leading Miami Valley officials endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate today, citing his commitment to rebuild Ohio’s middle class.
November 11, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today, honoring our nation’s veterans and outlining a series of policies to support servicemen and women and their families.
November 10, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today, urging the Senate to remove Stupak Amendment language from final health care bill.
November 04, 2009
The Ohio/Michigan Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) today endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the U.S. Senate.
October 30, 2009
The Ohio Legislative Black Caucus (OLBC) today endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate, calling him the best candidate to boost Ohio’s economy and help create new jobs.
October 27, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today, urging Congress to extend the homebuyer tax credit for six months and expand access to all homebuyers who qualify.
October 21, 2009
While our economy has begun to stabilize due to the Obama Administration's bold recovery package, we must do much more to help spur job creation and put Americans back to work. I believe Congress should quickly pass a job creation tax credit that encourages the private sector to create jobs and helps jumpstart hiring nationwide.
October 14, 2009
Congressman John Boccieri today endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate, citing his commitment to necessary economic development in Northeast Ohio.
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today as the House Financial Services Committee began crafting legislation to protect consumers from misleading and predatory financial services.
October 13, 2009
The passage of a comprehensive health insurance reform bill today out of a key Senate committee is an important milestone in the drive to lower costs and cover all Americans.
October 05, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher today hailed the return of more than 1,000 skilled workers to General Motors' plant in Lordstown, Ohio, who have been out of work since the plant's second shift was cut in April this year.
October 02, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement regarding House Minority Leader John Boehner’s (R-OH) comments yesterday on health care reform and the public health insurance option
September 25, 2009
Dayton Mayor Rhine McLin and seven city and Montgomery County officials endorsed Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate today, citing his unyielding efforts to drive economic development in Dayton and Montgomery County.
September 21, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today in response to Federal Communications Chairman Julius Genachowski's proposal to ensure "net neutrality" and unfettered access to the Internet for all users.
September 14, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today, calling for greater financial protections for consumers one year after the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
Three leading Akron-area officials endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the U.S. Senate today, citing Fisher’s economic developments effort in Summit County. Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic, Summit County Executive Russ Pry, and Akron City Council President Marco Sommerville announced their support at an event at Akron’s Global Business Accelerator.
September 11, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement in response to figures released yesterday by the U.S. Census Bureau showing the number of uninsured rising across Ohio and the nation.
September 10, 2009
(Columbus) - Lt. Governor Lee Fisher today published a column on the Huffington Post web site calling on Congress to move swiftly to address the ongoing housing foreclosure crisis plaguing neighborhoods across the country. In the piece, Fisher advocates a specific measure called "cram-down," which would allow bankruptcy judges to lower the principal mortgage payments for homeowners and potentially help more than a million families stay in their homes.
September 09, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher sent the following letter to President Obama today, urging him to follow the recommendations of the International Trade Commission and take action against surging imports of Chinese tires that have cost thousands of American jobs.
August 25, 2009
Former U.S. Senate candidate Representative Tyrone K. Yates endorsed Lee Fisher today in the race to fill Sen. George Voinovich’s seat in 2010.
August 12, 2009
Congressman Charlie Wilson today endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the United States Senate.
August 10, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today, urging Congress to extend unemployment benefits for Americans who are struggling to find work during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
August 05, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today on the Department of Energy’s decision to extend the final review of USEC’s application to build a new uranium enrichment facility at the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon
July 31, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today, urging Congress to provide additional funding for the “Cash for Clunkers” program.
July 28, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher’s campaign for U.S. Senate today launched an expanded, user-friendly web site that allows Ohioans to learn more about Lee’s positions on key issues and interact with the campaign utilizing the latest online technologies.
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher made the following statement today in response to the Department of Energy's announcement that it will not provide the loan guarantee for a new uranium enrichment facility in Piketon, OH.
July 27, 2009
Congressman Tim Ryan today endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate, citing his leadership in standing up for the hardworking families of Ohio. Congressman Ryan has represented Ohio’s 17th Congressional district, including most of the Mahoning Valley, since 2003.
July 16, 2009
Yesterday's report from the non-profit Families USA is a sobering reminder that we cannot wait for health care reform--Congress must act quickly to pass legislation that will lower costs and offer quality, affordable health coverage to every American.
July 15, 2009
Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher raised more than $900,000 in the second quarter ending June 30, bringing his total to more than $1.9 million raised since he entered the U.S. Senate race in February.
July 14, 2009
Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory today endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate, citing his understanding of Ohio’s cities and his economic development efforts critical in our next senator.
July 09, 2009
The Ohio Conference of Teamsters endorsed Lee Fisher for U.S. Senate today, citing his record of standing up for Ohio's working families. The Teamsters have more than 75,000 members statewide, including truck drivers, train engineers, government workers and other positions critical to Ohio's economy.
July 08, 2009
Columbus –Ohio’s United Auto Workers (UAW), today endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the U.S. Senate, calling him the best candidate to keep manufacturing jobs in Ohio. With more than 134,000 members, the UAW is one of Ohio’s largest unions and has workers at 291 facilities across the state.
July 06, 2009
Today, ten women legislators from Ohio's General Assembly endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the United States Senate, citing his leadership in fighting for Ohio jobs and his commitment to expanding economic opportunity for every Ohioan.
June 18, 2009
Today, Lee Fisher sent the following letter to Sen. Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee; Sen. Ted Kennedy, chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee; Sen. Chuck Grassley, ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee and Sen. Mike Enzi, ranking member of Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee urging them to move quickly to pass health care reform that lowers costs and provides quality, affordable coverage to every American.
June 17, 2009
The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local #19 today announced their endorsement of Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the United States Senate. Local #19 represents over 5,000 Ohioans throughout the state.
June 11, 2009
“For over 15 years, I’ve worked to attract jobs in our part of Ohio, and we deserve a U.S. Senator with the experience to lead this important work in Washington, D.C,” Portune said.
June 03, 2009
"If it were up to Rob Portman and Mitt Romney, there would have been no Economic Recovery plan and no relief for struggling Ohio families in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
June 01, 2009
"Today's announcement by General Motors is the latest blow to our economy and to thousands of workers across Ohio. We must take quick action to help hard working families who are now in danger of losing their homes because of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
May 26, 2009
“President Obama’s choice of New York U.S. appeals court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to succeed David Souter is an excellent pick. This historic choice of the first Hispanic and third woman to the highest court in the land is a proud moment for our country. Sotomayor not only has superb judicial qualifications, but also has profound insight into how our laws affect the lives of everyday people. I urge the senate to conduct the confirmation process in a non partisan way and not engage in ideological warfare in considering this distinguished nominee.”
May 07, 2009 · For Immediate Release
Congressman Zack Space, who has represented Ohio’s 18th Congressional District since 2007, today announced his endorsement of Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the U.S. Senate.
April 13, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher, candidate for U.S. Senate announced his senior advisors, consultants and top staff.
April 07, 2009
Lt. Governor Lee Fisher, who announced his candidacy for the United States Senate on February 17th, has raised in excess of $1 million in 6 weeks.
February 27, 2009
Sheet Metal Workers Union Local #33 endorsed Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the U.S. Senate on Thursday.
February 20, 2009
The Columbiana County Democratic Party is the first party organization to endorse Lt. Governor Lee Fisher for the U.S. Senate.